Add your flight  here for the 2023 season

*Note: Current XC League closes on October 31st 2023

Typical XC Flights – Woodside Mountain

Scenario 1: A pilot launches at Woodside and decides to fly west towards Little Nic (the black line below). The pilot then flies back to Woodside launch (the red line below). If the pilot lands at a Woodside LZ, the flight is scored as an out-and-return (OR).

Scenario 2: Still on the same flight, the same pilot as above decides NOT to land at Woodside after flying back from Little Nic, and continues east towards Hope. The pilot lands at Ruby Creek (the orange line). The entire flight would be scored as an open-distance (OD) flight, even though part of the flight contained an OR element. The pilot has the choice of either filing an OR flight (for the black and red lines only), or an OD flight (for the entire flight: black and orange lines). The pilot would have to decide which is worth more, and submit accordingly!

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