Add your flight here for the 2023 season
*Note: Current XC League closes on October 31st 2023

Typical XC Flights – Bridal Falls
Scenario 1: A pilot launches at Bridal Falls and flies southwest to Elk Mountain (the white line below). At Elk Mountain, they turn around and fly northeast to Ludwig (the red line), bypassing launch. At Ludwig they turn around once again and return towards launch, landing at the LZ below (the orange line). This flight would be scored as an out-and-return (OR) flight.
Scenario 2: The same pilot as above, after completing the above flight, decides NOT to land, and continues doing “laps” at Bridal all day (the blue lines below). At the end of the day the pilot lands at the LZ. This flight would be scored as an open-distance (OD) flight, not as an OR flight. This pilot has the choice of filing an OR flight (for the white / red / orange lines), or an OD flight (for the white / red / blue / orange lines). The pilot would have to decide which is worth more after taking the multipliers into effect, and submit accordingly.
(Note that in this particular scenario, it is still advantageous to fly multiple laps but your advantage is lessened. When you take into account pilot skill and aircraft type, the 1-lap pilot may actually get a higher score than the multiple-lap pilot!)