Notice of Special General Meeting of
the West Coast Soaring Club February 2024
Change of Tenure at Bruce Peak
There will be an online Special General Meeting at 7:00 PM PST on February 25, 2024, via Zoom, to discuss and vote on a single Special Resolution.
The proposed resolution would allow the WCSC Board to downgrade the Bruce Peak tenure on Saltspring Island to a non-commercial NRT (Nominal Rate Tenure)
- The Bruce Peak tenure is located at the top of Mount Bruce on Saltspring Island. It was established and traditionally used by HG pilots. This launch is generally unfavorable for PG and so a nearby non-tenured launch site is used for paragliding. The tenure was previously held by the dissolved Island Soaring Society which has since been merged with the WCSC.
- During the process of renewing and transferring the Bruce Peak tenure from the Island Soaring Society, the Board has been informed of the option of NRT status by the Ministry.
- The Board recognizes the club would benefit from a substantial savings of $650 per year as the NRT status cost is only $1.
- The Board is currently unaware of any commercial activity at the Bruce Peak tenure.
- It is the intention of the Board that once the current tenure is secured, the club shall further investigate the possibility of adjusting the tenure agreement to include the nearby PG launch. At this time the Board will once again explore the option of a commercial tenure.
1.- A member vote is required for this resolution as per WCSC bylaws.
“The society must not downgrade any tenure from commercial to non-commercial use without passing a special resolution to that effect at least 60 days prior to the intended action.”
2.- 2/3 of the members present at the meeting must vote in favour of a special resolution for it to pass, and a quorum of 3 must be present.
3.- Only WCSC members in good standing may attend and/or vote.
4.- The vote will take place by Zoom
Zoom Meeting registration
Topic: Special General Meeting Change of Tenure at Bruce Peak
When: Feb 25, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.